
Heghnar Aghbyur

Heghnar Aghbyur

Heghnar Aghbyur the novel was written in 1935 by the famous Armenian poet, novelist and translator M

Voskevaz Winery

Voskevaz Winery

Voskevaz Winery is located in Aragatsotn region of Armenia in the village by the same name Voskevaz,

How to prepare for climbing Mount Ararat ?

How to prepare for climbing Mount Ararat ?

How to prepare for climbing Mount Ararat ? Ararat is considered the most beautiful jewel of the Arm

How to prepare for climbing Kilimanjaro ?

How to prepare for climbing Kilimanjaro ?

How to prepare for climbing Kilimanjaro ? Kilimanjaro one of the seven highest peaks in the world i

Businessman - Hatis Tour is 40 years old

Businessman - Hatis Tour is 40 years old

Հաղթահարելով լեռան գագաթը՝ մենք հաղթահարում ենք ինքներս մեզ Հատիս Տուրը 40 տարեկան է Լեռնագնաց

Jewish cemetery

Jewish cemetery

The Jewish cemetery is located in the Vayots Dzor region of Armenia, in the Yeghegis village, on the

Film Svolochi (Сволочи)

Film Svolochi (Сволочи)

In 2006, the shooting of the famous Russian film Svolochi (Сволочи), which was mainly shot in Armeni

The first Climb of Mount Ararat

The first Climb of Mount Ararat

Առաջին վերելքը Արարատի գագաթ Եվրոպական բազմաթիվ ճանապարհորդներ ու աշխարհագրագետներ բացառիկ հետաքրքր



Yarkhushta is an Armenian folk and martial dance associated with the highlands of the historical reg

ZipLine Yenokavan

ZipLine Yenokavan

The first point of the park is ZipLine. It is designed to enable a user propelled by gravity to tr



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Armenian Cuisine

Armenian Cuisine

Armenian cuisine has a number of characteristics that are determined by various historical, geograph