Climbing Mount Arjanots

֏10 / person

On Friday, May 29, together with Atis Tour we will go to the Gegharkunik region, to Mount Arjanots. It is located in the Gegharkunik region, in the mountains of Arjanots, this is the highest point of the mountain range of the same name, height 2385 m. From there, a beautiful view of Lake Sevan and of course, the Sevan Peninsula, with all its charm.

Participants should have: mask, gloves, antimicrobial hand sanitizer (alcohol), backpack, hat (summer, winter), warm uniform, jacket, flashlight, hiking boots, raincoat, sunglasses, one-day food and water

Start: 8-30

The cost of the route is AMD 6000 (transport, escort)

For more information and registration call +37493-554595 (Viber, WhatsApp) or e-mail us at [email protected] and write to our Facebook page at


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