Climbing Mount Khustup

֏31000 / person

Music day in Khustup Mountain April 20-21

We invite you to participate in the concert of the Armenian jazz pianist Tigran Hamasyan, the venue is the slope of Khustup mountain.


April 20. We will go to Khustup early in the morning from Yerevan, we will organize a tent camp near K7, we will spend the evening around a bonfire. Overnight in tents.

April 21 In the morning, we will enjoy the concert of our world-famous countryman under the open sky. After the concert, we will move to Vachagan village, from where we will head to Yerevan.

Participants should have: good mood, sleeping bag (if you don't have it, you can also rent it from us), backpack, hat (summer, winter), warm uniform, jacket, gloves, flashlight, hiking boots, raincoat, sunglasses, two days food and water

Start: Yerevan, Koryun 2 Street - 07:00

Participation cost per person is 31000 AMD (transportation, escort, tent, mattress)

For more information and registration call +37493-554595 (Viber, WhatsApp)


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