Gladzor University Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum is located in the village of Vernashen, Vayots Dzor Region, Republic of Armenia. The exhibition of the reserve-museum, which is organized by Vernasheni st. Hakob Church, and is completed by the inclusion of the Tanahat monastery complex. It is dedicated to the history of the foundation of the university, its activities, its role and significance in the spiritual, scientific, and social life of medieval Armenia. XIII-XIV centuries. belonging to this famous Armenian educational center was the center of development of religious, socio-political, philosophical, and creative thought of the time, which was called by contemporaries "The Second Athens of Art", "The Capital of Wisdom", "The Famous University". Famous Armenian intellectuals of the time, Nerses Mshetsi, Yesai Nchetsi, Hovhannes Orbel, Mkhitar Sasnetsi, Stepanos Tarsayich, Hovhanes Vorotnetsi, Khachatur Kecharetsi, Toros Taronatsi, Avag, Momik and others received their higher education, worked and created here.
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Telkom University
April 28, 2024What are the main features and significance of the Gladzor University Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum located in the village of Vernashen, Vayots Dzor Region, Republic of Armenia, and how does the inclusion of the Tanahat monastery complex enhance its exhibition and historical value?