Kaputjugh Mount is located in the Syunik region of Armenia, is the highest point of the Zangezur Mountains, has a height of 3906 meters. It is the second highest mountain peak of present-day Armenia after Aragats.
Kaputjugh Mount is located in the Syunik region of Armenia, is the highest point of the Zangezur Mountains, has a height of 3906 meters. It is the second highest mountain peak of present-day Armenia after Aragats.
It has a height of 3906 meters. From the Nakhichevan side, Kaputjug is dissected by several small canyons. It has hilly and rocky, steep slopes with alpine vegetation and shrubs. It consists of granites and monconites, the slopes down have a number of stone slabs. There is also a cave attributed to Mesrop Mashtots. Next to the source of the Cross and above it there are thousands of petroglyphs attributed to 3-1 millennia, and several small ponds on the top.
It consists of paleogenic granites, granodiorides, porphyrites. A high-altitude (3300-3500 m) pass stands out from the neighboring mountain peaks. The slopes are steep, rocky in some parts, dissected by tributaries of the Gilan and Vokhchi rivers. Alpine landforms and traces of Quaternary icing have been mastered: seams, throgs and Moraines. There are lakes in the lower part of some throgs. They have a frosty wind and heavy processes.
Precipitation is mainly in the form of snow, the moisture balance is positive. The duration of the snow cover is 9-10 months, the rainy season is 30-35 days, the annual precipitation is 800-850 mm. The average temperature in January is -15 °C, in July or August -up to 10 °C.
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