Sanahin Monastery Complex
The Monastery Complex was founded by Armenian King Ashot G. Voghormats in 966 CE. It became the Kyurikyans’ administrative center and the family mausoleum as well as the bishop’s seat of the church of the kingdom. The monastery was a spiritual and educational center. Sanahin got its name after the construction of Haghpat Monastery - meaning (“sa qan zna hin”). The monastery is one of the outstanding works of medieval Armenian architecture. The complex played significant role in spiritual and cultural life of Armenia. The monastery complex consists of religious and civil buildings reconstructed in 10-12th centuries - 3 churches, library-matenadaran, church-porch, fore-church, belfry, mausoleums, halls of religious schools and library. Outside the group of monuments there are located the source of the monastery, chapels, cross stones and a number of small churches with sculptured cross stones which are spread around the district and beyond it, as well as the popular bridge of Sanahin.
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