Climbing Mount Arayi

֏7500 / person

On Wednesday, April 24, with Hatis Tour, we will go to Kotayk Region, Mount Ara. Since 1981, Hatis Tour has been paying its respects to the memory of the Genocide victims by climbing Mount Ara. The height of the mountain is 2575 m. The name of Mount Ara comes from the name of the Armenian mythological god, Ara the Beautiful. 650 types of vascular plants are registered on the mountain, which make up 20% of the flora of Armenia.

Participants must have: backpack, mountain climbing boots, hiking poles, warm mountain uniform, jacket, hat (summer, winter), hiking gaiters, gloves, sunscreen cream, lamp, raincoat, sunglasses, one-day food and water

Start: Yerevan, Koryun 2 Street - 08:30

Participation cost per person is 7500 AMD (transport, escort)

For more information call +37493-554595 (Viber, WhatsApp)


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1 Comment


Hello. Do you have tour to Arai ler within June 5-18? Thank you

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