Climbing Mount Hatis

֏7000 / person

Hatis Tour - We are 43 years old

Hatis Tour was founded on March 2, 1981 and is still active. Traditionally, we celebrate our birthday at the top of our dear Mount Hatis on Sunday (March 3 this year). We are waiting for everyone, hiking friends, of course, old and new hatisians ... Mount Hatis is located in the Kotayk region, the height is 2528 m. 

Participants must have: backpack, mountain climbing boots, hiking poles, warm mountain uniform, jacket, hat (summer, winter), hiking gaiters, gloves, sunscreen cream, lamp, raincoat, sunglasses, one-day food and water

Start: Yerevan, Koryun 2 Street - 08:30

Participation cost per person is 7000 AMD (transport, Mountain Guides)

For more information call +37493-554595 (Viber, WhatsApp)


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